Monday, July 30, 2007

On Critiquing Others' Evangelism Methods

JD Greear is a little ticked of at the moment. He's tired of how some "theologically precise" Christian churches settle for critiquing the methodology of others, without getting out there and "beating the hedges" for the sake of the gospel (especially good is the quote by Spurgeon at the end of the post).

You may remember my post last month on what I thought was a wrong-headed attempt at evangelism. I still have questions about how far is too far, and when are we just shooting ourselves in the foot. But I do think I just need to relax on the critiquing sometimes. Where's my evangelistic zeal? If I don't like the way "they" are doing it, why don't I get out and do something myself? Help me in this, guys. Let's stir up in each other a passion and burden for those who don't follow Christ and are on their way to destruction. Let's weep over them and plead with them to run to the Savior's refuge.

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