Monday, April 30, 2007

Divorce and Remarriage Revisited

So, we have talked some about divorce and remarriage. I find myself agreeing with the "betrothal-period" view concerning the Matthew texts. I think a few of you have said the same. There may be some disagreements among us on this issue, but for the most part we are all in the minority position... which means we have some 'splaning to do.

I know the issue of remarriage will come up sooner or later in my ministry. Has it come up with you? How have you approached this issue with people who've requested you to marry them though they've been married before?

I'm sure the "preemptive" attack (teaching and preaching about marriage, divorce, and remarriage) is most effective, but how else have you tried to teach the truth to God's people on this important issue?


Pastor Randy said...

That is the understanding that I have for that passage as well. It has already come up in my ministry a couple of times. Once here and once in another situation. I have told some of the church up front about my views and of course I will teach and preach on it when it comes up in the text as well. I also find it important to take the time to meet with the people who ask you (if they are wiling) so that you can show them from Scripture how you came to your conclusion. The problem that you will probably run into is the fact that many people do not want to agree with you, so they will possibly just go to someone who will marry them. Until people have a love for the Word and a love to please God through obedience, it sometimes feels as if your words are not accomplishing much. On the other hand, once the love for obedience and His word are evident, people will want to know the truth of the Scriptures and are more open to hearing what you have to say.

R and R Fellowship Member said...


The only thing I might add is that we don't necessarily have to wait till we get to a passage on marriage to teach this to our congregations. Anytime we preach on a passage that talks about Christ's perfect faithfulness to His Church (and there are many), we have an opportunity to make the application to our marriages (since the point of our marriages is to display that perfect union between Jesus and His Bride.)