Thursday, April 19, 2007

Back to Baptism

I have thought a lot about the issues of Baptism since the last time I asked this question, but I feel I must do it again. The question was about the age of baptism. There were some very good comments about this, but I am still struggling a little. Maybe I'm wrong, but I am thinking that the issue is more of a gospel issue. Maybe the reason we have baptized so many people who are not regenerate isn't so much of an age issue as it is a gospel issue. What I mean by this is that so often churches have watered down the message so much (so that a child can understand) that the child truly is responding to that message. I am not sure that the answer is to not baptize a younger person as much as it is to make clear the gospel. By making the gospel very clear (even using terms like regeneration, justification, glorification, sanctification, etc.) would help answer this question about age. Any thoughts on this?

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