Monday, February 19, 2007

True and False Faith When Praying for a Miracle

It's a little before 6 AM; Crystal and I will be heading for the hospital in less than an hour. We did quite a bit of tossing and turning last night, and I doubt Crystal got much sleep at all.

Once the baby is born, it seems that our first concern will be to assess whether he has enough lung tissue for even a chance at survival. According to the last study Crystal read, other babies in similar situations survive only around 10% of the time, and only with great obstacles to normal living. But of course, our faith is in God, for whom healing this child in an instant would be a very easy thing.

Which raises an issue that has been eating at us for several weeks, and about which God mercifully brought us a word of truth last night. So many well-meaning people have come to us, telling us that our baby would be just fine if we would only "just believe". That is, if we go into this hospital with the confidence that God is going to heal him, he will be healed. Again, while these people meant well, I don't think they realize how misinformed (and sometimes hurtful) those words can be.

I say "misinformed" because the Bible doesn't teach us to have confidence that God will do something unless He has actually revealed that He will do it. God tenderly reminded us of this last night, when Crystal and I had the opportunity to hear Stu Johnston preach at Grace Reformed Baptist in Mebane. He spoke from 1 Samuel 14, where Jonathan urges his armor-bearer to accompany him in taking on an entire Philistine garrison by themselves. Jonathan is absolutely convinced that God can give them victory. However, he recognizes that God has not promised him this, and therefore says, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the LORD will work for us." In other words, Jonathan didn't just say "Let's believe God will give us victory and it will be ours!", but "God may give us victory, if He chooses; therefore, let's proceed with faith in Him."

Crystal and I believe that God has the right to do with our child whatever He wills. Could He heal him? Of course - and oh how we've prayed for that! But will He? That is something He has not revealed to us. Therefore, we go to the hospital not demanding that God do our will, but preparing ourselves to submit to His - whatever that may be.

Job 12:10 says "In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind." He is the Potter, we are the clay. He works all for His own purposes. Ultimately, we must pray that Christ will be glorified, for God's Son is more important than ours.

I love you all.

Justin N.


The Goddess G said...

This post is so well said. I have been thinking of you and your family during these days. You are uplifted in my prayers.

Stephenie said...

I was just wondering if anyone has an update on Justin and Crystal. I was at Southside Baptist last Wednesday night and heard about their situation. I've been praying. Both of their posts about their baby are so God-honoring. What a testimony of God's grace!

Pastor Randy said...

I can tell you this much. I spoke with Justin on the phone on Tuesday night. They were still at the hospital, but he seemed very happy in the Lord. Their testimony of faith in God's sovereignty has been amazing. David was born on Monday morning and they were able to spend a few hours with him before he passed away. I will leave the rest for Justin or Crystal. Thank you for praying and again I enjoyed our talk last Wednesday.

R and R Fellowship Member said...

Crystal has given an update and a picture of baby David on her blog:

Stephenie said...

Thanks for the update. I will continue to pray. Please pray for a couple at my church, Shannon and Patrick Swaim. They are going through a similar situation. Their baby girl is due in June. She has been diagnosed with an extremely rare problem that I have no idea how to spell. The problem is with her brain. I am going to try to send them a link to these posts. I believe it would be a true source of encouragement. It can be very challenging to try to encourage someone in a situation that I have no personal experience.