Friday, December 28, 2007

Outreach Ideas for 2008

What are your churches doing to get the Gospel out into your communities in 2008?


TheBeastMan said...

Don't know if it can happen in '08, but I'd like to do something similar to what the Summit did in Durham:

TheBeastMan said...

sorry... it's a ".com"

Justin Nale said...

Come on, guys! I'm looking for some ideas.

pastor justin said...

Justin N.,
We are fresh out of ideas. How about you give us some.

pastor justin said...

say what?

Justin Nale said...

Here are the basic ideas I have:

1. Door to door distribution
2. Holding a seminar or conference that appeals to unbelievers (i.e., marriage, money).
3. Preaching Events (i.e., Tent Meetings)
4. Festivals (We do Pumpkin, Spring Hope, and Blooming)
5. Servant Evangelism (free car wash, cheap chicken plates, etc.)

I would really like more creative ideas of ways that churches can do servant evangelism in a way that puts Gospel literature into people's hands. This is what we were able to do with the chicken plates back in November.)

Have we figured out a plan or a date for a marriage seminar yet?

Justin Nale said...


Are you still thinking about doing an Evangelism Training seminar?


Pastor Randy said...

Justin N.,

I do plan to do some type of Evangelism Training this Spring. I have not worked out the details or the speaker, but I am working on that this month.

Was I the one who was supposed to contact someone for the marriage seminar? I can't remember if we said that I would or what.

Justin Nale said...

It's caucus day in Iowa. If I were there, I'd caucus for Huckabee. McCain would be my second choice. How about you guys?

pastor justin said...

JN, that would be a great discussion:
How much should a pastor get involed in politics?
Obviously, a pastor should not campain from the pulpit. However, should he even say who he is voting for publicly?

I like the road that Piper suggests: Not supporting any one canidate or party, only addressing issues publicly.

Would love to hear some wisdom on this.