Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Moment of Gratitude

Allow me to say thanks to all of you guys that helped out with the tent meetings. It is always refreshing to hear Gospel truth preached cleary and passionately. It is a joy to be counted as your friend - I feel unworthy to be in such a band of brothers. Let's continue to pray that God will bring forth spiritual fruit from the labors of the past week.

Beginning today, Crystal and I will be attending a 3-day home schooling conference. Since several of you have expressed interest in eventually pursuing home schooling, I'll try and blog each night what we learned.

There are many approaches to home-schooling, but Crystal and I have become convinced that a Classical Christian approach (using the trivium) is the way to go. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, check out this page or this excellent book (which you can borrow from us, just don't assume that I'm a big fan of Douglas Wilson - I know about his "federal vision" and do not agree.)

Anyway, again, let me say that I thank God for all of you and the grace in your lives. May He do something incredible here in our neck of the woods.


1 comment:

Pastor Randy said...

I too would like to thank everyone for their help during this past week. I am very pleased with how God was the focus of everything during the Tent Meetings. I look forward to seeing what God will do with that as well as the opportunities we'll have in the future.